Continue Reading Engineering Ends Tomorrow!
Posted in 1 min read engineering exam four years Friendship future

Engineering Ends Tomorrow!

Happy Engineers Day 🙂#engineer #15thSeptember #OurDay Four Years of college Have come to an end, we would be writing our…

Continue Reading College Days
Posted in college community engineering Inspiration Love Poetry Relationship

College Days

This is an old poem I wrote when I was in college, You can even find this on my facebook profile. Updating here. It’s in Hindi. About a friendship between a Boy and a Girl.

Continue Reading LIFE after College, @ WORK!
Posted in college engineering exam four years Friendship Inspiration job Journey Motivation WORK

LIFE after College, @ WORK!

You all are missing your college days, Badly. Some are not even thinking about it, some are relaxing in casual…

Continue Reading Engineering Ends Tomorrow!
Posted in engineering exam four years last exam

Engineering Ends Tomorrow!

Four Years of college Have come to an end, we would be writing our last Semester exam tomorrow to be…