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Posted in Love Series Story

The Choice

It is okay to take risks, it is okay to let the things be, you do not have to fix everything, maybe someone else is made for that, you are not responsible for everything in this world, maybe this was supposed to happen.

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Posted in Love Series Story

The Choice

Because he loves me, he still does things for me, and I cannot repay whatever he has done for me, not in this lifetime, even if I say yes to him.

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Posted in Love Series Story

The Choice

Truth is love never goes away, we can’t stop loving someone at any point in our lives, we just refocus our feelings, we avoid them until it stops showing and when we revisit them we realize we had something there,

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Posted in Love Series Story Suspense

The Choice

I am unconscious for a while, the coffee mug lying on the floor, with the spilled coffee. The floor is cold and I see blurry visions until I can’t see anything.

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Posted in Love Mystery Series Story

The Choice

I doze off to sleep with my knees close to my heart. I sleep restlessly, uneasy, seeing Abhay in the dream again, he standing under the stairway of the bridge, rain pouring and his heartbroken face.

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Posted in Love Mystery Series Story

The Choice

And he did things for me I never imagined someone would do for me, he was my world and he possibly did everything a woman always wanted, and in the act of loving him, I never knew when did I actually fell in love with him.

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Posted in Love Mystery Romantic Series Story

The Choice

It has been months and these past months have been excruciatingly painful, with the heavy heart I finally am ready to confess..

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Posted in Hindi Love Sad Story


नज़रें चौखट से उठी तो ऐसा लगा मानो तुम ही हो, आज भी हर जगह तुम्हें ही ढूँढ़ता रहता हूँ। सच में तुम हो, आज इतने जमाने बाद, तुम्हें अपने सामने पाकर ऐसा लगा की शायद आज बरसों बाद दिल की आरज़ू कबूल हुई हो। तुम मेरी तरफ बढ़ी और रुक गयी जैसे मुआयना कर रही हो।

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Posted in Love Story


Has it ever happened to you, something totally unexpected made your day?
Thanks to all those lovely people who make your day better just by being in it. To all those who do something, that no one does, they make you feel cherished 🙂

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Posted in Love Sad Story


What happens when someone you loved, comes back into your life? We all have been broken, shattered and left by someone we thought we loved. What if we could have them back? Ever wondered will your heart still love them the same, the million pieces of our heart heal over time and still, the scars bleed afresh when something triggers us against them.