Juicy Lips ;)

I stared at her red lips, unable to plant my eyes anywhere else on her face.
They parted a little, I closed my dropped jaw and blinked twice.
She had the most succulent Rosy lips.

I could not stop thinking about her, and turned to my side to save my self from embarrassment.
It was a windy day and beginning of the Autumn, I being so upgrown felt like a kid and came back to my senses 2 minutes later,having observed her beautiful juicy lips.

Suddenly I saw them smiling and Alive in their essence.
Awstruck for a second, I could hear no voice, no sound and was completely lost in their Goodness.

It happened for the first time, I had an emancipated desire to Kiss those lips. They made me fall weak in knees. No girl could ever charm my tough heart enough to make me chase, but these lips did!

Amazed at this sudden rush of love, she left me uncomfortable for the evening. Autumn was in its full flavor and all I could relish from them was a Kiss me request. My desire woke up to implant a soft unspoken love on her lips. Getting off the bed I again stared at her red lips in the frame.

I missed her, She passed away Last autumn.

Happy Kiss Day

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of 1shablog.com.

4 thoughts on “Juicy Lips ;)

  1. ..Autumn was in its full flavor and all I could relish from them was a Kiss me request…
    Wow ! I could feel the situation. Romance at it’s peek. And an unexpected curtain draw.
    Good work mam 😉

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