Theory On Colorful Sky

There have been unusual colours in the sky lately during sunrise and sunset, and most of us noticed this for the first time, Every year monsoon falls and we fail to see such bright vibrant glorious colours in the sky, There is something unusually surprising about the sky in the past week. I love these colours in nature and sky, they are so beautiful just like magic.

Snaps from across the city 5th August 2020

So I decided to think about the probable causes why the sky has been going all colourful every evening and why people are experiencing such good colours I have four theories to back my claim.

  1. Theory 1: The Mars-Saturn Effect

Have you ever witnessed the discovery channel explaining in detail about NASA mission to planets showcasing about the environment and atmosphere of the various planets having such beautiful colours in their skyline just next to heaven? This is because of the gases present that reflect various lights and rays of the sun in the wind, it’s beautiful so that means there is the high amount of those gases in our environment to make us see those colours as well

Now the question arises? What might have caused this?

So apparently there have been simultaneous blasts across the world not only in Beirut, Lebanon, UAE, CHINA, NORTH KOREA, IRAQ but other parts of the world that must have caused an increase in the gases emissions and other gases that have caused such beautiful skylines.

6 Places 6 Mishaps
  1. Theory 2- Coronil Healing

If we talk about the parameters required for the environment quality index to measure air, water, and land quality how has this all been impacted after Corona pandemic surely all the scales have improved but while taking a closer look, I feel how can this amount to any substantial amount of change in the environment owing to fires in Australia, some oil spills in Russia and other activities that are brutally impacting our ecosystem, so how can a few months of time help heal the atmospheric level of toxic gases and make skyline appear so vivid? So meaning to say, if there is a single patch in the world in its original form where no pollution or toxins can reach might be there sunrise and sunsets are spectacular?

A snap from a LinkedIn friend on 3rd August 2020
Amazon Bush fires
Austrialian Fires
Russia Oil Spills
  1. Theory 3 – Water Borne Light

So there have been unnatural fires in Ahmedabad which are completely out of the context just to mention ecology can no more be saved and talking about local ecology relative to the global environmental effects, these must be the winds, and monsoon winds that must have been causing this unusual effect on our skyline but floods have been a major part of 2020 starting from Kerela, Kolkata, Assam, Pune, Mumbai, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar looks like every state is having its fair share of the flooding this year. HAIL 2020! There have been a cyclone AMPHAN and to back it up all US is suffering from torrential rains and Hurricane Isaias that has affected the eastern United States for the past week and dissipated yesterday 5th August. Can this be all a coincidence?

Hurricane Isaias
  1. Theory 4 – The Star Effect

Planetary combinations and Star Effects can also be a major cause of these vivid skylines and major environmental and climate changes happening, Don’t believe me? Well think about it Our moon is responsible for tides, high and low and gravitational pull, how come not other planets can affect what happens inside of earth let alone moon? Distance is a factor but they somehow must be affecting our lives, our land and water. According to ASTROLOGY certain combinations like Jupiter and Saturn conjunction can cause quite an instability in the world which they are causing right now and will continue to cause until February 2021

Moon is so bright, air is clean, the skyline is vivid?

Disclaimer: This theory is fictional and does not take into account actual parameters to measure the AQI, PPM or any other factor that is used for measurement of stable and healthy or polluted ecosystem.

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of

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