Second Innings

Dear Love,

How are you? I know the past few days even months have been overwhelming. We have both seen each other, raw, crushed, naked with unapologetic behaviors and with no filters. I think, we have just planted a seed of a new beginning, we are in that phase of our life where people start looking beyond the pretty face, beyond the good, being nice, being extra special and just being themselves! I know life ride is scary as we unfold and unveil the shield of our souls, our pasts, our experiences, but they are necessary, they made us who we are today.

I am so grateful, so thankful to you and though different people have been telling me different things about you, I have always looked at you with my own eyes and own heart. People speak highly of you and somehow I see flaws, those little signs of selfishness within me imprinted over you, there is nothing I would love to change, and the more you change for me, I fall more in love with you, I love your little gestures, the way you are always excited to do things, never making me feel any less than I was earlier.

In the process of loving you I realized it was not you who loved me, it was everyone along with you, all your closest, near ones and dear ones, that loved me so dearly, I am fortunate enough to have you in my life, to have met these lovely human beings, for the love they enclose in their heart is more than the million bucks, or a person possessing them. I have always been on the lookout for love, but I was stupid enough to feel that it was only in one person, the amount of love I have received in the past few days is beyond compare. I never knew the things that came along with you would be so beautiful.

I look at your pretty face and I am so attracted towards you, the love, the closeness, the feelings have always been there, but the sense of you being mine, is still sinking in. It’s hard to feel bound to you my darling because having met you, having known you on every level has made me free.

I am trying to be less evasive, to be more like you are, but terribly fail at being a good partner to you, I apologize for being rude, for bashing at you, thank you for understanding as you are. I know I try to tell you each and every thought but what lies deep in my heart, is pure, blissful, and solemn love for you. I love you with all my heart and might, thank you for making me feel so loved, so special, so warm that I have failed to notice my flaws, making this transition so easy, as if I always belonged with you. I know we have faced certain circumstances, where things were not easy enough, I have not been easy, but good things take time, and knowing you have been the best part of my life.

I love you so much, and I know what made you like me in the first meeting, it was kindness, to that poor little fella, who walked with us to your car door. I love how you cry at things that make this world a better place, the kindness, the love for the less fortunate, I wish you can be great one day, may your love spread like infinity towards everyone in this world, and may my heartbeats stay with you forever, as your guardian angel, as your guiding light, you are never alone, and you will find your way to help each one that is suffering, everything will be alright, keep the faith and everything will be aligned.

Thank you for letting me in your life, for sharing some heartfelt things, I know I have said some really hurtful things and I also have been hurt and I know everything is unintentional, I forgive you and ask for your forgiveness, I would try not to say anything that keeps you up at night, I would try to be a perfect complement of yours so that together we can live the life of our dreams, I really wish I could tell you how much I love you, I think you can feel it, I wanted to show you with you, but I can’t, these feelings can’t be shown, I will care for you, protect you and would readily do anything for you and I know I am not a perfect human, so maybe I will take time in mastering the art of loving you and understanding you, the way you want, but I would reach there one day.

I can’t wait for another month to come by and to celebrate your special day, to let you know your existence means the world to me. One month to go for your special day. I love you so much. . . . and I am waiting for that back hug by the way! See you soon.

Yours xoxo!

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of

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