Previously on BREAK UP

Lia is standing outside the Hospital the next day after Kaff proposed Lia. He doesn’t need Lia as a friend. Now Lia either has to leave him or if she wants to stay, she has to be his girlfriend.

Story continues.

I was standing outside the Hospital processing each and every fear that haunted my heartbeat, I already saw suicide of my very close friend and now this. I prayed incessantly to God for his well being.

Kiosk- Suicide? WHOM?*curiosity is back*
-Yes. Joey.

Joey? Who is Joey?
-I lost Joey, I could have saved him but I could not. I feared to lose Kaff Now, I stepped inside the Hospital without fearing and hope of saving him.

Inside the Hospital

“Lia?” A surprised voice shook me, I turned around to see one of his friends surprised seeing me there.

“What are you doing here?”
-I just came to meet him, Is he alright?

No, He is still unconscious, He is under observation.
-What happened to him?

He has a blood clot in his brain, He gets unconscious because of it, he needs to be operated otherwise He may die.
-Can I see him?*trying to control my tears, he may die!*

No, You cannot go inside, You should leave immediately, his brother is around.

I hurried my way through EXIT.

Since past few hours, days even weeks, I realized there was nothing on my mind, except him. I trusted him. He occupied most of my days and time. Talking to him, hours felt like seconds. A feeling of losing someone who came so close made me emotionally weak. I wanted to wake him up and say Yes, I would be your girlfriend, hoping to awaken him from his unconscious world.

After 2 days

He came to class. It was hard for me to spend a single second not thinking about him. He didn’t talk to me. My mouth went dry, he is annoyed again. A single thought of him away from me made me worried. I wanted to hug him, he has been through a lot and he loved me.

-Hi, Kaff. How are you?
I am fine.

-Why were you in the ICU?
I stay up late and over think, which is not recommended for me.*does he also thinks about me*

-You never told me about this.
There is nothing you should know until you become what I asked you to!

-Why can’t we stay friends?Will you not miss me, if I say NO?
I don’t have personal attachments. Once I decide I will not talk, I won’t talk to you for the lifetime.

Holy Crap! For lifetime. He left me with no choice than Yes. I never wanted him to go. I knew not what was right, I just wanted him to stay. Whatever he said, whatever he did was of least concern, what mattered to me the most at that moment was his presence.

I said Yes to make him stay.

That was the first proposal of my life. I saw him smile with a child like grin and I really wanted to see him smile. He took both my hands to the back of his neck and putting both his around my waist hugged me tight. I was happy to be his.

I noticed the silence in the room.
I turned around and saw Kiosk looking at me in deep shock.

Kiosk! Hey Kiosk, I rushed towards him.
LIA, he said authoritatively, “I am leaving” and in no time, he was out of the door. I ran after him and got hold of his hand to stop him.

He was into tears. As he cried all he could ask me was “You still love him?”

-No, Kiosk! I won’t have done this break up if I still loved him.

It was the first time in 3 years I realized that Love is knocking on my door which I closed after I was done with Kaff. I saw him sob and gently leaving my hand he left me. I saw something in his eyes which I always searched for. I always wanted to see the same love, the madness of first love in Kaff’s eyes but always failed.

In the seven months it was today I felt his warmth touching me, Love is so unexpected, you wish to find it in person you admire. But you always find it waiting in a hopeless place, the time when you least expect it to be there.

Who is Joey? Why did he commit suicide? Why did Kaff have no personal attachments? Was his love true, or it was Lia who misunderstood? Why Kaff wanted Lia as his Girlfriend or none at all? How did she break up and why? Will she reciprocate Kiosk’s love?
In the next episode and the last.
Stay tuned to

Break Up 5

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of

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