Previously on BREAK UP.

Lia is narrating her story when she is struck by silence in the room. KIOSK leaves LIA in the middle of the story. Lia tries to stop Kiosk, but she saw love in his eyes and lets him go.

Story continues. Upon the request of the readers, I am finishing the story in this episode. A long one.

I sat on my table with my notebook and pen.

I again started scribbling,

To the broken wings of the lovely sky,
You made me fall from heaven and sigh.
I looked to you for glory in you,
Dazzling clouds with clear blue.

I wanted you so much of all the other things
You called me to you  and ripped my wings
I fell so low, and deep below,
Leaving scars..

Suddenly, Rain started pouring. I rushed to close the Windows to stop the wind and water flowing in.The thunderstorm took me to the days I stayed with Kaff.

It was one such day. It was raining heavily. We were together for almost a year. We were out in the garden shed and he was lying with his head resting on my lap, I was gently caressing his hair with my hands.

He was a nice guy, a nice company. He always did whatever he could do, though I never saw love in his eyes, that madness, that first love, that feeling was always missing in him. I was crazy in his love.It was my best relationship, we played badminton, we studied together, we watched movies, we traveled and ate a lot. I enjoyed his presence. He was more of a best friend to me. I needed no one when he was with me. Though the Love which I was searching in his heart was never evident. His I love you’s were dry. His eyes never told me the truth, the truth of Love. Somewhere in my heart, I used to feel, he doesn’t love me.

That day in Garden.

Lia, let us go to INN together *leaving me in shock.*

At first, I was in shock, then I thought he is kidding, I laughed out on his statement. Then suddenly he rose up from my lap and kissed me passionately. I responded with my lips touching his and wrapped around him, I showered my love for him.

He said, gently caressing my back, “Lia I want to see you, Let us go to the INN”

We were very physically intimate, I could not deny his physical desires, for whenever I denied he used to go silent for days and would not speak to me. Loving him so much, I could not stay away from him, We use to end up fighting and to make things even again I used to give up for him. But all my sacrifices could never bring that love for me in his eyes.

He took my hand and said, “Let us go to INN, our love will deepen as we go ONE today”

This was too much for me. I knew my denial would make him silent, he would not talk to me, and leave me alone. As usual, we would end up fighting.

No, Kaff, I won’t go.
-Lia, It would be for both of us.

I am silently looking into his eyes for Truth.

-Lia, I Love you. I want to make you feel it today.

I am gathering all my courage, to say NO. I don’t feel any love in his eyes, in his words and in his mouth which was on me a few seconds before. I am afraid.

At last, I said. “No, Kaff”

I don’t want to, LEAVE ME ALONE.

I saw him leaving me in the rain all alone, I burst into tears then. Not once did he came back to me. I saw him go. That day I understood, why he had no personal attachments, he never loved me, he wanted to devour my body. All he wanted was my skin, not my heart. I covered my face with both my hands crying ruined and devastated, for loving him.

I realized my cheeks are wet with tears thinking about that day. Suddenly I felt the warmth around me. I looked up and saw Kiosk,  with my face buried in his shirt, I cried to all my extent. I cried the whole night.

Next Morning.

I woke up and found a little note upon my notebook.

“I don’t know Lia and don’t even want to know what happened between you and him. But you can trust me and I can make your world alive again. I like you, Lia, you don’t have to fear me. I will do anything for you.

Here is your Poem,

Leaving scars to heal and glow,
I will love you both high and low,
I promise to care and share your sorrows,
I hope to give you better tomorrows. 

It made me smile, though not a poet he tried writing for me. I saw that affection in his eyes last night.A red rose fresh with dew was kept there. I picked up the Rose, Saw it with amazement.I wrote a letter and got ready, after a long time, I took my time to look my best and went to meet Kiosk.

Kiosk- Hii, Lia.
– Hey, this is for you. I handed him the letter and also a red rose. I have to go to church, see you in the evening.

It was Joey’s birthday today, I stood at his tombstone wishing him.

On my way back, I met Kiosk.
I knock the door. He opens.
-Hey, Lia. *Looks as if he hasn’t read the letter*
Hii Kiosk.

Offering him Dutch chocolates, I enter the door.
-Why these?
Today is Joey’s bday, so.

But you lost him, I mean he is no more!
-He was my best friend, he committed suicide when I was in high school. He was not able to bear the school pressure, he quitted.

You said you could have saved him?
-He left me a message before he finished his life, I didn’t open that message on time. It was later when I opened it up, that I realized, I could have saved him.

Why didn’t you open it up on time?
-I thought it to be a casual message, I didn’t take it seriously. And I lost him forever.

I am sorry for your loss Lia,
– You see nothing is forever. Everything has to end, everything gets over. “Forever comes with the word OVER.”

As I leave I saw a rose crushed in the dustbin with the letter. I wave back to Kiosk, He closes the door, just like Kaff closed mine.

                                                    THE END.

Suddenly I hear Kiosk shouting as he opens up the door,
Hey Lia, Wait!
….. and I turned back to look at the opened Door…  😉

To the Readers. 🙂

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of

3 thoughts on “BREAK UP 5

  1. Intriguing…really nice…you have a skill of creating suspense in the most unexpected ways and moments which is worth appreciation..keep up the good work..good luck?

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